Tactical Urban Combat & Israeli Krav Maga
Saturday, May 15, 2021
10:00 a.m. – noon

Learn simple, practical, and effective street-combat techniques and tactical self-defense in this two-hour, hands-on workshop. This seminar is FREE for members of law enforcement.
- Learn proven and effective knife and gun defenses and disarms
- Learn simple and practical weapon-retention techniques
- Train realistic tactical and weapons scenarios
- Develop your hand-to-hand and hand-versus-weapon street-combat skills
The Instructors
Lead instructor Grandmaster Jacov Bresler is the creator of the Street-Smart Survival System and has 53 years of martial arts, close-quarters combat (CQC), and Krav Maga experience. A CQC master instructor, he’s a veteran of the Israeli military, a former security specialist for El Al Airlines, and the chief instructor for KAPAP Krav Maga in the U.S.
Grandmaster Bresler will be joined by assistant instructors Grandmasters Sky Benson and Gregg Wooldridge.
Grandmaster Benson, a martial arts practitioner for over 35 years, is a certified KAPAP Krav Maga instructor, specializing in CQC, knife and gun retention and disarms, angles of attack and evasion, and urban and military combat.
Grandmaster Wooldridge, a martial arts practitioner for over 45 years and private-security operator for nearly 30 years, is a 10-year veteran of the Inglewood Police Department, a Medal of Valor recipient, and a certified use-of-force expert and instructor.
For more information or to RSVP, call or text Jesse James Tucker at Rising Phoenix: (520) 838-1592